These organizations are not amateur in their performance. Becoming “reborn” is an advanced and well-developed industry that generates hundreds of millions of shekels each year, operates special classes for training preachers, organizes mass seminars, publishes books, pamphlets, leaflets and audio cassettes, and provides everything for the newly reborn--clothing, study materials, and even a wife. The tactics used to recruit new haredim include explicit acts of fraud and deceit which subtly drain from the young and curious the ability to make choices. Throughout the process, psychological and sociological techniques are applied to the youngster's unconscious. The free-thinker transforms into a victim; from that time, his way back is quickly cut off. This pattern is well documented among cults in North America.
The reborn are not well accepted among haredim, and their status within is that of a second-class citizen. (The reborn almost always marry with other reborns.) Due to the radical change in their way of life, they often become even more stringent in their new religion, and become preachers themselves. Their personal experiences, knowledge and capabilities that they acquired as modern Jews serve as efficient ammunition.
[translator’s note - I use the term haredi instead of ultra-Orthodox, because I believe these people, be they Shas or Degel HaTorah, Ashkenazi or Sepharadi, are not the incarnation of Polish or Iraqi Jewry they pretend to be. I also use the term “reborn” for hazara b'tshuvah, as the psychological metamorphosis among hozrei b’tshuvah is as tortuous and disorienting as those of intolerant reborn Christians in North America. (Note that many reborn Christians are very tolerant and cheerful.) Similarly, I don't use the term hiloni, which comes from the word hilul - to profane. Instead, I use the term "modern Jew," to include all Jews--secular or observant--who are not subject to the cultic behavior of haredim.]